MOSFET vs BJT - Difference between BJT and MOSFET
The transistors BJT and MOSFET are both useful for amplification and switching applications. Yet, they have significantly different characteristics.
In this video we learn different between BJT and MOSFET. If you like my video please subscribes my channel.
BJT, as in Bipolar Junction Transistor, is a semiconductor device that replaced the vacuum tubes of the old days. The contraption is a current-controlled device where the collector or emitter output is a function of the current in the base.
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The transistors BJT and MOSFET are both useful for amplification and switching applications. Yet, they have significantly different characteristics.
In this video we learn different between BJT and MOSFET. If you like my video please subscribes my channel.
BJT, as in Bipolar Junction Transistor, is a semiconductor device that replaced the vacuum tubes of the old days. The contraption is a current-controlled device where the collector or emitter output is a function of the current in the base.
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